Interior designers are increasingly adopting wide-format print within their work, as it helps them create a "unified look".
That's according to Dan Marx, the vice president of markets and technologies for the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association. He shared his thoughts on wide-format print's place in the world with
It's becoming specifically useful within the interior design industry, Marx stated. "Prior to the emergence of the technology - and before the current trend toward mass-customization - interior design was really an exercise in shopping," he claimed. "An 'interior designer' would piece together existing elements.
"With the advent of wide-format inkjet, designers can truly design, instead creating custom spaces where printed wallpaper, window treatments, upholstery and even carpeting work together to convey a unified look."
Wide-format printing is really making an impact on other areas, too - such as the photography, industrial and signage industries. Each industry uses it in a different way though, he added on For example, within the industrial sector, large-format printing has really carved a place for itself within the manufacturing and production processes.
What's more, many photo imaging companies are utilising wide-format print to extend their own service offerings; helping to position them as larger graphics producers.
Marx rounded off his comments by any companies interested that are considering an investment in wide-format print should think big - but not before they have researched all the potential materials, technologies and markets involved. "Plan for success by building your wide-format efforts strongly into your business plan," he concluded.
We're here to help. Whether you're looking to get started with a large format printer or you've been in the industry for years, our team of qualified specialists are always happy to lend a hand. Give us a call on 0845 680 9000.
Our doors are open from 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday, but you can drop us an email at anytime and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.