You may have recently seen our PerfectColours and Epson SureColor truck on the road at a town near you, where we’ve been giving local businesses the chance to experience the supreme capabilities of the SureColor SC-S30600 and see first-hand how it can benefit their businesses.
To date we’ve been to Edinburgh, Newcastle, Exeter, Swansea and Manchester, among others, with the final date taking place in Chatham, Kent. The attendance has been superb and we’d like to thank everyone who has attended these events.
If you’ve missed it, then don’t worry - we are happy to arrange for our mobile demonstration unit to come and visit you! Rather than coming to us, we’ll simply pack the wide-format printer that interests you into our demonstration van and trundle on over to you.
To find out more and book a demonstration, click here.
We're here to help. Whether you're looking to get started with a large format printer or you've been in the industry for years, our team of qualified specialists are always happy to lend a hand. Give us a call on 0845 680 9000.
Our doors are open from 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday, but you can drop us an email at anytime and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.